“No action is wasted, every action changes Creation”

Every action, word, thought and emotion we choose and give our energy to sends out a ripple into fabric of reality. These ripples wash over the beings we share this experience with and have a very real effect. These ripples we send out have measurable energetic, biochemical, epigenetic, psychological and physical influences on our fellow beings.

“Humble lives" (as Charles describes the choice of living everyday life with compassion and integrity: youtube.com/watch?v=CknaStMmf8A ) issue out a prayer for a more caring society. Whether it is caring for one's children, a garden, uplifting or helping a stranger, tending to a tree or engaging in Self-care, each choice based in integrity, compassion, courage and peace issues forth a prayer, shifting the morphic field.

"Sanity is walking with open eyes to see what is really valuable".

I see a genuine intent to make more and more choices that align with a striving to be an honorable, humble, kind and reverent human being as inherently valuable and fundamentally essential as we strive to dissolve corruption on Earth and create a more beautiful world we all know is possible.

We now find ourselves at a choice point, where each human is being given the opportunity to choose to embody the template for a new civilization. With the regenerative knowledge, skills and awareness now available to us, we are able to begin utilizing our innate abilities as human beings to align fully with the syntrophic forces of nature. Each of us has the potential to be as an "imaginal cell" and move our species towards that critical mass moment of transformation which will mark the beginning of a new era for mankind.

It begins with us working to 'weed the garden of the mind'.. and when only that which we wish to see in the world around us flourishes there.. it then moves into planting physical seeds in the world around us. In doing so, we become a seed which can set down the roots and become the living template for a new way of living and civilization to take hold on the Earth.

In, is the only way out, for it is within that we may re-kindle the spark that we were born with to become a flame and illuminate a path forward that honors the sacredness of all life. Do not allow the fleeting shadows in our midst to distract you from the sacred tasks you came here to accomplish. You are the story tellers and the dreamers of the dreams, weaving threads together to become the fabric of reality.

When we look around ourselves today at world events it is easy to fall into feeling helpless and defeated. Never forget, it only takes a single candle to light up an entire room filled with darkness but you cannot take any amount of darkness and effect a well lit room at all. This is because darkness is not a substance but rather the lack of a substance... that substance being love and/or light.

Each one of us (whether we realize it or not) are in the position to serve as a trail blazer and torch bearer for others that either look to us now, or will look to us in the future. The choice to speak a kind word to a loved one, smile to a stranger, plant a seed in the rich Earth or strive to let go of patterns that no longer serve us is no less significant than the choice to write ten thousand words about those same things. In fact, it is the action itself that is guaranteed to creates a morphic field that really changes this world in invisible and powerful ways, where as the words may or may not inspire others to choose the action.

Thus, each of our quiet moments, and the choices we make when we think no-one else is watching are opportunities to become leaders in defining what a human being is and what we are capable of, lighting the way for others energetically and physically.

Thank you to all of you out there who are choosing to embody and provide that medicine for our human family.

