Cycling Nut 

Name says it all!

Cancer is a metabolic disease, not some space invader. mRNA will not magically fix the many broken parts of your metabolism.

This 1/2 trillion dollar boondoggle needs to be stopped. The first thing I did when I heard the announcement was to ask my state senators to block any and all funding for this proposal.

Let Larry Ellison play Peter Pan. If he believes it, he can pay for it. I'm not buying his fairy tale.

Bravo!!! There must be accountability for every organization, including government, that suppressed real science and honest medical freedom in search a protocols that healed patients. In order to learn, these organizations and people must pay, hopefully with not only their wealth, but also their freedom! Please remember that millions died unnecessarily!

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Dear Dr. Kory,

Thank you for battling this monster over and over and for putting all of this horrifying information in one place. Even after 4 years of living "down in the rabbit hole" it is still unbelievable to me the sheer evil and corruption and disregard for human lives and suffering that those in charge represent.

I have read every book I could get my hands on, including Turtles and RFK Fauci book and all the great ivermectin books by you and others (and traditiona…