
your words are beautiful and I cannot explain with clarity…

how can a flower be loved? imho it already is…

Each of us is loved, like the flower that does not need to learn how to be loved.

Maybe we think that we are not loved. That's normal, that's human.

Maybe it's not about learning or improving….maybe is about recognizing what we all are…

Are you alive?

Yes, otherwise you could not read these words.

Isn't life a form of love?

When we think we are not loved… that's a thought…

What is… beyond our thoughts and beliefs?

What remains in their absence?

Loving myself starts by knowing what is the self…

What am I?

Each of us will find their own answers… effortlessly... freely…peacefully…

... meanwhile… Love yourself as the precious gift of life that you are, already now. What needs to be improved? You are awesome already. Who thinks otherwise?
