A Professional Engineer and USMC veteran "to combat the autocracy of both the classes & the masses; to make right the master of might; to safeguard and transmit to posterity the principles of justice, freedom & democracy", Amer Legion
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Many MAGA supporters believe whatever comes out of their leaders' mouths hook, line, and sinker. I believe they support whoever DT and Elon tell them to (and Ukraine is clearly NOT on that list). Never in my life did I think the US would vote against our allies and be in cahoots with countries like Russia and North Korea. Says a lot about the state of the US at the moment, and it isn't pretty.

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I don't recognize my country's leadership anymore. I am glad to see so many expressing anger and horror at the despicable conduct of our so-called President (a real PINO: President in Name Only) and VP.

Those traitors don't seem to realize that a majority of Republican voters and many in office support Ukraine.

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