Dear Substackers Against Nazis,

Your hearts are obviously in a good place but please do consider, one way or another, the following:

  • What is the mechanism of action for determining who is a Nazi? Is a Nazi a member of the Nazi party? Somebody who self-identifies as Nazi? Somebody who espouses some views that overlap with Nazism (as assessed by others)? Somebody who isn’t traditionally Nazi but is far-right? What about people who have nothing to do with Nazism but are actively calling for the elimination of Jewish people - or of a Jewish state?

  • Is there a Substack entity/committee that makes these decisions? How big is it? Who is on it? Would you be equally comfortable if the entity ended up being, for instance, an algorithm?

  • Does this entity have jurisdiction over only Nazis or over others, let’s say racists, misogynists, ultra-nationalists, science deniers, others with objectionable views? If so, over which of those?

  • How expensive is this committee? Are you comfortable with its funds coming directly from support for writers?

  • How does this committee/entity gets its information? Is there like a tip jar and Substackers report on other Substackers?

  • What’s the appeals process if you are accused of objectionable speech or views?

  • If someone is kicked off the platform, what is to stop them from a defamation suit against Substack? Wouldn’t that make it safer for Substack to just not list any reason for kicking somebody off?

    If you’re calling for “moderation,” please at least think through some of the ramifications of what you’re calling for.
