@noahpinion still doesn't seem to understand that comparative advantage isn't some universal physical law. Even if there is, say, non-infinite energy for AI, it's not a property of the universe that humans will still be employed doing things which are trivial for AI.
Among other mechanisms he either can't imagine or won't engage with, sys…
People don't want to do anything hard. My wife is a stage 4 cancer survivor who had a <10% survival prognosis. She had an amazing surgeon and may have just gotten lucky of course. But also she's a researcher and did a bunch of lifestyle things that have between promising and can't hurt all the way to proven levels is evidence. Many of th…
I mostly agree with the arguments here but the rise in center left hand wringing about this kind of thing strikes me as off target. At a systemic level this all feels like pieces of a needed move towards true equality from the post civil rights equilibrium of white guys still all in charge but less offensive language and at least token w…