Michael Giumenti 

Retired AT&T Employee, Cellular Field Operations, Switching Systems, RF Analysis, Microwave Equipment Engineering, System Construction Engineering and Management. 30+ years Experience in Communications Technology.

Let’s strike while the iron is hot on the Hill! Congress is stirred but we must be the tipping point that moves Congress to ACT NOW! I only need 1 minute of your time.

Thank you in advance for your participation!

While the World’s on Fire….
BREAKING: Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene Introduces Censure Resolution Against Rashida Tlaib Following Insurrection
Information Warfare and Your Use of The FOIA!

Today marks the 40th Anniversary of the catastrophic 1983 bombing of the U.S. Marine Corps Barracks in Beirut, Lebanon in which a suicide bomber killed 241 U.S. servicemembers. Tonight we remember and honor those that lost their lives that tragic day and stand with our many friends that survived and mourn their brothers in arms. We are with you in spirit.

Precinct Mapping Project - Insights from Arizona and Capabilities Moving Forward
Chat GP Tells the Truth About Voter ID, When Asked the Right Questions, Without Triggering Academic, Media and Liberal Bias Programs! LOOK