Monica Nastase 

Trained journalist and professional writer. A permanent foreigner, analyzing what it’s like to be on a constant quest to find a sense of belonging.

🌏 10 countries… 4 continents… 6 languages spoken.

has such a winding, rich global journey! Today, she answers my Migrant Questionnaire. Take a look below.

The Migrant Questionnaire — a mosaic of stories and insights on roaming the world from various expats and migrants. We’re also busting some myths about the expat life along the way.

The Migrant Questionnaire #3 | Catriona

I write a Substack?!

That sounds the same as ‘I read an Amazon’ or ‘I watch a Netflix’… 🤔

I used to say “I’m a writer,” then I’d say, “I write a newsletter,” and now I just say “I write a Substack” and everyone knows what I’m talking about. This is so fun.

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Official but hot hashtaggable! 😃

Hello to the usual Postcard Club members and to maybe a few new ones? I'm travelling and you know what that means 😎 … Let me know in the comments if you'd like to join our official but not hasthaggable #ThePostcardClub