The Smart Kids gave Stalin and Mao a pass because they supposedly had good intentions. And Hitler, as bad as he really was, fought against Communism, so that's another reason to have emphasized his evil avatar status. As some authors have pointed out, there were many parallels between the actions of Hitler and Stalin, but I think ideology trumps all for the Left. Body counts in the long run don't matter for them, and I'm more convinced than ever that Leftism always has very dark and murderous d…
Witness Eric Adams, mayor of New York, flipping from proudly touting his city as a sanctuary to declaring that "immigration will destroy this city." What changed? Oh, yeah -- the southern states started shipping the immigrants to New York. Everyone (but especially the left) has vast, expansive, generous notions of the good they want to do for the world -- until the bill arrives.
"The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money." -- Margaret Thatcher
Talking about…
This new “Musk did a Nazi salute” kerfuffle embodies why I’ve distanced myself from the Democratic Party and a lot of my old social circle.
No, he didn’t. Yes, I watched the video. About five times. Taking the least charitable interpretation of something doesn’t make you insightful.
It’s a far stretch to believe that the guy who met with Jewish families of hostages and visited Auschwitz with yamulke-wearing Ben Shapiro in the last year suddenly (or secretly always) embraced the ideology of murder…
Sorry to hear all you've been through. If it is any solace, I know doctors, artists, and engineers who have all been through very similar variations of the same kind of insanity.
I honestly don't know if the spell ever can be broken, at least in America. We have multiple generations now, who have been trained that the worst thing a person can possibly be, is a bigot. So all anyone has to do in order to forward whatever their personal agenda may be, is paint opposition to their cause as bigotry. …