Tom James 

Let’s see a heart on this one if you have a heart. ♥️

He won’t show mercy, he doesn’t understand the concept, but I love that she made them all sit there squirming while she asked. Wish we could buy her a drink. She probably doesn’t drink, though, huh.

Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde showing how it’s done.

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Extraordinary moment during a Blinken press conference when reporter Sam Husseini is dragged from the room for asking a probing question.

A reminder that the corporate media is not a watchdog on power. It's a lapdog. Any doubts, just watch the other journalists' reaction.

The other journalists should hang their heads in shame and they should not be called journalists. If they all stood up with this hero the out come would have been a lot different. Shame on them. His questions were too important to be ignored as he was bringing horrific truth to the table. Name and shame those journalists for what they are. Cowards uncaring cowards.

YES! Name and shame!!