The Ancient Greek Hoax
Perfume - Par isis style
Updated Bach Flower energies

WORRY refers to the thoughts, images and emotions of a negative nature in which mental attempts are made to avoid anticipated potential threats. Some of those threats are real, most of those are imaginary. Some of those threats are physical, but most of them threaten the persona, the person you want to be perceived as… so it threatens your self-image.

The most important part of worry is that there is no action. There is no action anywhere. It is all an inside fretting that is wholly impotent: it…

RESISTANCE is the opposite of allowing, the opposite of welcoming, the opposite of willingness.

The “machine” that is the Mind, the 3D… says that if you push back then you can get rid of what you don’t want.

And often in the outside world this works: you fire people, you divorce them, you beat them, you lock them out, you disconnect from them.

Unfortunately, in your inner world this doesn’t work.

In the inner world, resistance is the enemy. When you resist, you get hook…

ALLOWING means: put up NO resistance . Liking or not liking, loving or not loving have nothing to do with resistance. Resistance is activated by fear and self-preservation, including the false self: your opinions, your worldview, what you think of yourself and the world.

Allowing means: to make room for, let it in. It doesn’t mean agreeing with it. It doesn’t mean changing yourself or your views to accommodate it. It means: making room for without trying to kill it fir

Because we all think of having stuff, having love, having capacities, having everything, but we have no idea what having is. But having is possessing, and not doing… and therein lies the mischief.

The common mindset of people (at least from the cultures I know) is that if something is there, if they take notice of it, they have to do something with it. Most importantly they need to fix it.

If that weren’t the case, it would not hit hard reading the paragraph from Cryptonomicon from Neal Stephenso…

What about the batteries?