
My weekly newsletter, Teaching Health Today, is designed to support health teachers and other adults who talk to teens about topics like substance use, healthy relationships, and mental health.

It actually started as a newsletter just for the teachers in my school district, but so many folks from other places asked to be added to the list I decided to move it to Substack and make it available to everyone.

Each issue includes four curated sections: Curriculum and Resources; Wellness, Keep on Learning, and News.

I love that I can use my experience as both a journalist and a teacher to pull this together, and that Substack makes it easy to connect teachers to the work of folks like

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Teaching can sometimes feel lonely - I try to use my newsletter to help folks feel like they’re part of a community, making progress together.…

Using Cookbooks In the Classroom
An innovative way to make nutrition lessons more engaging and inclusive. Big warnings about social media and about men's health. PLUS: What you need to know about sextortion.
4 replies
1 Restack
1:25 PM
Jun 1, 2023