
The app for independent voices

A lot of people, especially conservatives, don’t really understand all the events that led up to that, or why it was such a big deal that Kendrick was selected to perform at the Super Bowl. It was a significant cultural moment. Really, really significant. And the fact that very few conservative influencers understood what was happening is really a problem.

Dear GOP, Here's why Kendrick Lamar's Super Bowl Half Time Show was Important.

I really appreciated Oren’s point here about how complexity - in this example, going to Disney World - imposes its own costs. I believe this helps explain a lot of the hostility towards 401ks, Medicare MCOs and other similar, incredibly complex programs. A pension may pay out less, but it is ultimately very predictable and easy to under…

Our Mickey Mouse Economy

The primary purpose of homeschooling is not flexible schedules, learning super advanced math at age 8, meeting grade-level requirements more quickly or even keeping your kids from seeing porn on their classmate’s smartphone. These may be perks but they cannot be the primary purpose for 21st century homeschoolers. Instead, it should be creating alternate forms of status.

The Purpose of Homeschool

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The Hidden Power of Saying Yes

Every year, the religion media descends on the Southern Baptist Convention's annual meeting.

It's seen as the bellwether for what's happening in evangelicalism.

But 90%+ of SBC churches send no representative.

1/3 of messengers are lay people.

55% are at least 50 yrs old.

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Did a guest post with The American Tribune this week:

China and the West are about to learn that no other success can compensate for failure in the home.

The Chinese are doing everything right, and they're still going to lose