Governor Winthrop 

Just wanted to get off at Willoughby.
Why I'm quitting the Washington Post

I’m with you, Uncle George!

Motherfuckers are sharing my address on Twitter. They think they can scare me into silence. They don’t fucking know me.

My message for those teeny peen incel losers:

Try to hold me down. Threaten me. Try to scare me. I beg you. Because every fucking time you do that, I will emerge stronger.

You don’t know the evil I’ve stared down. You have no fucking idea.

Every single time you try to silence me, I will get louder.

I promise you.

And if you even motherfucking so much as HINT about hurting my kids, I will destroy you.

(more on this later).

The one big constraint on Trump
Replying to

I don’t pretend much anymore. I’m just broke and not physically able to do much, but I don’t suffer fools, which leaves me alone with Lulu, and she’s better company than any MAGAt. My grand girls still like me so I’m good.

American Conversations: Secretary of State Antony Blinken