Edward Jones 

Native born in the great Republic of Texas and am proud that my ancestors fought for our Independence to form the United States of America, Texas’ Independence from Mexico, WWI, WWII & Vietnam.
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He was not wrong. Pity our children and grandchildren. Thank you for the sober reminder, Tara Ross.

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President Reagan’s words hit home! He considered $1 trillion a financial disaster. What would he say about $35 trillion? His warning wasn’t heeded and now we have a major financial crisis. Praying the Trump administration can clean up the fiscal pit created in the past even though they are working against strong headwinds. Our children and grandchildren will bear the burden if they aren’t successful.

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Wouldn't he be surprised that the national debt is about $36.5 trillion these days! (BTW, that stack is now 2445.5 miles high!)

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Thank you Tara. Ronald Reagan certainly had a way with words. It seems only yesterday that he spoke those words about the USA being a trillion dollars in debt. I believe that I remember that we were something like 8 trillion dollars in debt during GW Bush's presidency and now we are more than 36 trillion dollars in debt some 16 years later. A 7 trillion dollar government is unsustainable. God bless DOGE. May it be very successful and sustainable.

Medal of Honor Monday: R. Geddie Herring
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There is so much we don't know of even our known heroes! Thanks for this bit of history, Tara! Looking forward to the "rest of the story."

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Thank you Tara, for another bit of history I didn't know! I met General Yeager in the early 1990s at Travis AFB California. He and I shared a love of flyfishing (I learned of this of his reading his book). So rather than talk about his flying exploits, we talked about fly-fishing in the lakes and streams of the Sierra Nevada! It was an honor to be in the presence of one of our country's military heros.

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Every time I read about Chuck Yeager, the bigger and more heroic he becomes.

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Wow. I knew nothing of this story,Tara. Of course, everyone knows of General Yeager and his high speed testing and his larger than life persona but this puts a whole new perspective of the man. And, he only received a bronze star? Thank you Tara, you provide the most interesting history.

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I got to meet him on a flight line in the UK in 1986. I was in the Air Force and doing some ops checks on an A-10 where he walked up and introduced himself. He was interested in what we were doing and shared about how he started his career working on planes and how he enjoyed getting his hands dirty still. One of the guys I was with asked him about the fastest he ever flew and his whole face lit up as he told us it was in a SR-71. He told us he couldn’t tell us how fast it was, as it was classi…