
Community activist, grandma, long-term thinker
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The democrats should be ashamed. For the brief moment when they howled and jeered him, Donnie almost went off the rails. Another five minutes and he would have been snot-slinging nuts! Like the mad dog he is. And in live national TV. They missed an opportunity to show the world the real thing.

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And an I.Q. test. Plus he or she should have to.pass the same test taken by those who want to become citizens. And that applies to.Cabinet members and wouldbe members of the House and Senate. They don't have to be Einsteins, but at least manage to be average.

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Trump is not only in cognitive decline but he's mentally ill. It's OBVIOUS. Trump can't explain anything. He can't even speak in paragraphs. He starts one tjing and 3 secs later he's off on idiotic tangents. He's also an imbecil regarding basic economic matters. He's tanking our economy for no good reason, just to say he's "tough" and doing... "something"? And is there any doubt Trump is a Russian asset? If not, how to explain his idiotic foreign policy? That's where his mental illness comes in…