Claire Bush 

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Joyce, I have all the confidence in the world in your legal interpretation and knowledge, and that includes Harry's, but I will be the first to admit I have lost all confidence in the Supreme Court. Justices Thomas, Alito, Gorsuch and Kavanaugh seem hell bent on destroying the gains made by minorities and women in providing horrendous cover for Trump. The immunity ruling opened the door for this, and I am not sure we will recover. But I will not stop advocating for democracy until the day I dieā€¦

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I heard. brief reference to the possible deporting of Ukrainians. It had to be on MSNBC because I had it on much of the day. Trump seems to be working his way down a checklist for Putin!

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Unlike J.D. Vance, Elon Musk, and their convicted criminal mob boss, I served.

Bone spur Donald, as his actions show, in another way has also served ā€“ but only Vladimir Putin. This totally corrupted Donald respects no democracy. Respects no law.

Republicans: sycophant, spineless accomplices to the wholesale corruption.

While I was wearing the uniform, serving the U. S., Aug. 23, 1971, the Powell memo came out, and American schools began their death spiral.

I never imagined what we see now: a U.S. pā€¦