What goes through the mind of an atheist? It is a sad condition, and some very nice people may profess to be atheists. There are surely some complicated reasons for disbelief, but John Owen nails a big one:
“Love of sin, a resolved continuance in the practice of it, the effectual power of vicious inclinations in opposition unto all that is good, make it the interest of such men that there should be no God to call them to an account.”
For the comfort of their conscience and to allay their fears, …
Are you “poor in spirit?” If you’re not sure, read on.
Maybe today you are feeling that your talents are few, your strengths are negligible, and your performance pitiful. You observe others doing naturally what, for you, would be a massive undertaking. You take stock of your life and hold it up against the shining record of another and feel discouraged—-or even demolished.
Maybe you tried some spiritual exploit, but failed. You thought yourself a “victorious Christian” and found yourself unex…