A good start, but why wait until next year?
The US is a debate dessert; why not take this as an opportunity to start something similar to the Munk Debates in the US.
What we let pass for debates in American is sort of pathetic (Congressional “debates”, MSM-formatted Presidential debates, biased journalistic discussions) - compare these to Prime Minister’s Questions, no comparison.
There are so many big, important, issues that need to be discussed in depth and debated, and so many good, centered, p…
Tell me James, I take it you believe in a two state solution. Okay. So why did Hamas not take the land given them, build a beautiful tourist center, prosper, and become the next Dubai and then help their "brothers" in the West bank? And do not tell me it was the Israeli's fault. Do you really think we, as Americans, can shove a two-state solution down their throat after they already rejected that? I think that's s tough ask when 6 year olds are taught to hate and kill jews and that all of Israe…
The most valid argument you can make against transgenderism is the following:
If gender is just a social construct, as claimed, then WHY do you need hormones to masculinize or feminize? Clearly biology is preeminent to the organism. If you can just argue that you 'feel like a girl, therefore you ARE a girl,' then WHY do you need the help of hormones to accomplish transformation?
Nature decides what you are...plain and simple. Hormones are produced naturally and THEY steer the body towards the mas…