

I think I may be done with the Jesse + guest episodes (unless it's Helen Lewis). The quality is just so much lower than the normal J+K episodes. Especially if Elon Musk is a main character.


I think you're missing the point. Elon's tweets are, well... Elon tweets. And pointing that out is worthwhile. My frustration (and the frustration of many) is that Jesse seemed to be using the fact that Elon tweeted soma dumb shit about it as a reason to dismiss the issue entirely as "old news", which (based on what I've seen) is an unwise characterization.

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I’m gonna take the opposite view here and say it’s (generally) good that Elon is highlighting this *unfathomably evil* scandal, which I don’t believe, based on what I know, has been fully investigated or dealt with.

It’s a bit weird that the takeaway from this segment is “well, the press did technically report on it and people were technically arrested, so the matter is basically settled and Elon shouldn’t endanger people by irresponsibly amplifying it”.