Bill Alstrom (MAtoMainetoMA) 

Just a guy from New England. I love my wife, our dog Sophie and my garden. And food, glorious food. I am an idealist but I get practical quickly when faced with a problem. I write as therapy. Earth First. Dog is my copilot.

Yes. To normalize relations with a mass murderer is defintely to be a bad guy.

Are We Now the Bad Guys?

Thanks for a very good article, Carol. There are a lot of issues today that lead me to fury. Like the firing of essential workers all across our government. Etc....

But the subject of separation of church and state sets off an explosion of emotion in me. I can respect any faith that teaches the Golden Rule and respect for the Planet. As a…

School choice and politics

When will we ever learn?

A Lesson from Spain
Putin Agrees to Negotiate with Musk over Ownership of Trump

Democrats being loud. Melanie Stansbury is eloquent as well.

The Way Forward