Charles UF 

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You still see people speculating, in all seriousness, on what Hillary might have become if not for Bill. (Answer: A successful lawyer who finally gets elected to the school board on the third try.)

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I, for one, find your handwavy generalization about conservative men much more compelling that his, and I award you 2 points.

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You and Spiers have the same problem: You approach credibility, but completely gaslight the obvious bad faith that seeps from Metz's Murray and "Voldemort" references. It's not just that Metz deigns to "mention" these -- he injects then in a fashion so willfully and maliciously misleading that it would be borderline sanctionable in court. If you can't admit there's malice here, you're either deluded or likewise operating in bad faith, which makes it difficult to engage with the remainder of what you've written. Same goes for Spiers.