You are as eloquent as you are thorough, Professor Snyder. As a longterm subscriber to the Post who earlier cancelled his paper subscription and looks forward to ending his electronic one when the Post jettisoned its open comment system for a Mickey Mouse, AI-moderated nanny bot designed not to "welcome you to the conversation" but to curtail it, I appreciate the post. My take is simpler: I can see (and smell) meaningless, collaborating bullshit at a thousand paces. Not interested in subsidizing it, thanks.
Of course I remember when Bezos attested to the public that he’d
basically be controlling editorials. Which negates the whole idea of an editorial. He also abruptly halted the editorial process by refusing to endorse a candidate for president. Control is his mantra. The fact that it’s control in deference to a man who wants to be King in a “ Democracy” tells the story.
I think of Musk when I think of wealthy people who think because of their wealth they” make the rules”.
Determining what freedom i…