Mr. Lucky 

Licensed Doctor of Oriental Medicine.
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Some of us "boomers" have been noticing this for decades. Unfortunately, most seem to act as unwitting gatekeepers because their brains have been washed with holocaustianity. And it's not just "boomers" either. I've come across quite a few born into the "gen x" and "millenial" demographics who will react to any criticism of Israel or the Holocaust narrative with accusations of "anti-semitism" (a misnomer, by the way, since the Ashkenazim who founded Israel and still control it are not a Semitic…

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Thank you.

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I knew this in 1996, prior to the birth of my only child. Have been paying that data forward ever since.

Thanks for pointing it out to folks who might read that statement and don't know. ❤

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So sorry and I pray you are wrong about that timeline.

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ouch, just ouch. Naomi is a current-day hero courageously facing the murderous Pfizer beast to reveal their secrets for us all to grapple with. How much easier for her to have done nothing of the sort. I pray for her well being, safety, and continued sanity; she knows more about these dark times than any of us.

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Have no idea. My instincts are the same with most questions these days... "They've lied about everything else, so..."

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Not to mention the beautiful birds killed. It’s sickening!

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Is that why you call yourself Mr. Lucky? Or are you a Russian bot sent here to demoralize us?

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I sent Striker's piece to my Zio-Evangelical neighbor who jumped out through his own asshole " get back at me..."