Robert Ludwick 

An eye-and-mind opening read for me on this issue was Victor Davis' Hanson's 2003 book, Mexifornia, A State of Becoming, which I first read around 2010. Being a native Californian and a 50 yr Santa Barbara citizen, I was visually and emotionally aware of the immigrants around me, but unaware of their legal or illegal status in the proces…

I have been quoting a passage from Middlemarch for more than 50 yrs...and most people have no familiarity with this work. I attribute this--and most illiteracy among Americans-- to the decay of public high school education in America, and the dumbing down of college thereafter. The blame for this I lay at the feet of the political revolu…

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You are more heroic than you likely feel, but from this 72 yr old straight, white, married father and grandfather you get a verbal standing ovation. Your bravery to be in the middle of this ridiculous fray for the last several years deserves a medal of freedom, IMHO. The godless humanism of our age is a cancer that has already co…

Abigail Shrier: How the Gender Fever Finally Broke