The problem, as Reich states, is that "there is no fire" in a base which varies so widely in terms of policy. We agree on democracy, yes, but on little else. So far, the D'a have refused to seek a message which is truly populist like Trump's (Bernie Sanders) and continues to play "to the middle" which in reality (as Reich says) no longer exists. If the D Party refuses to listen to its populist base (tax the rich, reign in monopolies, reform bank policy, use govt to help the middle class/poor) i…
We would think Lesley, My wife applied for Social Security this year, she reached age 70 last, and never needed Social Security. I told her that she probably will never see a check either, simply because there is no one to process the paperwork.
Will Americans get off their ass and do something, How about all of those Social Security Recipients that voted for Trump. Buyers remorse: Well phuck them.