
A new book by Kelly Clancy, Playing with Reality: How Games Shape Our World, already added to my wish list, highlight the importance that games played in our day to day lives.

From Chess & Go to Kriegsspiel, a German war game of the XIX century, to games of luck, that its study generated the relevant and important probability theory, it explains how their deployment/usage have shaped the way we think and face/prepare for actual events.

Game Theory was created by Von Neumann, one of the most important branches of economics, that every manager should be aware of and also its limitations (as humans are not reward-maximizing machines, but at best are bounded rationalists).

Games when well thought are great tools to test hypothesis and scenarios, stress test strategies and tactics, market dynamics and generate insightful discussions. Unfortunately, its use in the corporate world is so dismal.

Although the book is very critical to Game Theory, an area of study that i really find relevant for everyone activity, and especially corporate one, I’m really eager to buy and read it (nothing like to read and understand an opposite perspective to challenge your beliefs, oblige you to take a different perspective and enrich your thoughts).

How games and game theory have changed the world… from The Economist

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5:51 PM
Jun 23, 2024