
Wow - it saddens me that you have never experienced the uncaused bliss of being your true Self. Because if you would, there is no way you would ever choose living in an all-White Ethnos State over that.

Have you ever deeply considered why living in an all-White Ethno State is such a great desire of yours? I wonder what is more important to you: The immense sense of belonging to something bigger or the expected safety and protection from the threat of being outnumbered by tribal forces of a different race and culture? Or maybe something else entirely?

There is no doubt that being in a racial, cultural or societal minority can induce panic and fear in many people. We can’t just erase the collective memories of thousands of tribal and racial violent wars and atrocities against minorities. This is a challenge.

The world is definitely a struggle as long we perceive ourselves as separated and apart from it. In fact, all our problems come from the idea that all we are is this extremely vulnerable seperated body-mind we call “ourselves”. As long we are convinced that all we are, life and the world will always be a struggle we have to suffer through - no matter if you are living in an all-white Ethno state or not.

I travelled to over 50 countries during my life and the one thing all the people in them had in common was this: The struggled and suffered. Including those living in almost pure Ethno-states like Indonesia, Thailand or Malawi. Yes, ethnic minority status increases the stress for most people but this is only one of many stresses people face worldwide and all of them hinge on the belief that all they are is this body-mind.

You might escape the ethno-stress if you live in an all-White Ethno state, granted, but I think you deluding yourself that life will be all sweet and happy for the rest of your life.

But maybe one step at a time. Good luck to you.
