Dr. Judy Mikovitz at Old State Saloon in Eagle, ID. Tuesday, July 9 at 7:30. Topic "Vaccination is Sterilization And Extermination"
When: Tuesday, July 9 at 7:30pm
Where: Old State Saloon (oldstatesaloon.com, 50 E State St, Eagle, ID 83616 | maps.app.goo.gl/juRgJxG…
What: Scientist Dr. Judy Mikovitz will discuss what is expected with possible new diseases, ubiquitous vaccine injuries, ongoing legal battles, and the real intent of vaccines. Come early to meet new friends and have dinner at Old State Saloon.
Dr. Judy Mikovitz will speak at Old State Saloon on Tuesday, July 9 at 7:30pm. x.com/OldStateSaloon/st…