How to defend yourself against Turbo Cancers: Q&A with Dr. William Makis and Dr. Peter McCullough (06/06/24, podcast 59 min):

Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology, and Immunology, the Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar, and the author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.

This is one of the best recent interviews we’ve heard on “turbo cancers” arising from the COVID-19 injections. Drs. Makis and McCullough, along with co-host Malcom, focus on the rise of cancer in a post-COVID world. Using plain English, the doctors dive into the data and answer questions, including:

  • What is “turbo cancer?”

  • What percentage of people who received the vaccine came down with cancer?

  • Are cancers being diagnosed at younger ages?

  • Are unvaccinated still plagued with blood clots and turbo cancers?

  • Will a Labcorp test result with antibodies less than 1,000 reduce worries about clotting and turbo cancers?

  • Are sudden and unexpected deaths accelerating or declining?

  • Are the cancers happening in a close time frame to the shot?

  • After 3-5 years, are deaths going to skyrocket or are we headed towards the clear?

  • Does getting multiple CT scans and contrast scans for heart disease increase the chances of cancer?

  • Is Covid vaccine correlated with increased cases of cancer and stillbirth?

  • Can COVID-19 “vaccine” spread from person to person?

  • Would spike detox be useful for someone diagnosed with cancer that might be COVID shot related?

  • What (largely censored) treatments can help fight cancer?

Jul 7
11:35 AM