Financial Rebellion: Defending Health Freedom. With Polly Tommey, Catherine Austin Fitts, Carolyn Betts, and guest Leslie Manookian (video 1 hr, 07/04/24)


The medical freedom battle continues in school board meetings, legislative sessions, office buildings, and legal proceedings. Idaho’s own Leslie Manookian, a litigative advocate for bodily autonomy, is the featured guest. Manookian discusses how our healthcare civil liberties have been threatened and the role of the courts in protecting and preserving such freedoms. She also discusses some of her Health Freedom Defense Fund organization’s recent landmark legal wins, upcoming litigation, and how legislators can undermine medical freedom.

Don’t miss the Idaho connection starting at the 40 minute timestamp, which includes medical freedom efforts in Idaho and features an Idaho Liberty legislator you may recognize.


The Financial Rebellion show notes include more resources, including the court cases discussed during the video.

Update 7/12/24: One case involved the Los Angeles Unified School District. In this case (also covered in American Thinker), the Ninth Circuit stated that COVID vaccines were never a “traditional vaccine” and therefore could not legally be mandated:…

Note: Leslie Manookian spoke on Thursday, July 11, 2024 at Health Freedom Idaho’s Sovereignty Summit (see Note here:…)

Health Freedom Idaho Health Sovereignty Summit: Body ~ Land ~ Food ~ Water ~ Air

What: HFI Health Sovereignty Summit

When: Tuesday, July 11 at 6:30pm - 8pm

Where: The Karlfeldt Center | 3451 E Copper Point Dr, Meridian, ID 83642 | Map:…

Jul 7
8:42 PM