
July: When 5th Generation Warriors Partner with America's Deep State Globalists, Part III. By Emmett Mayor Gordon Petrie.…

SUMMARY: The third of a four-part series. The American Government has been infiltrated by Communists since the 1940s, including such "luminaries" as current Rep. Barbara Lee from CA 12th Congressional District; Former FBI Director James Comey; Former CIA Director John Brennan; and various spies and double-agents. » Communists, Fascists, Nazis, Socialists, Marxists, etc. all share the same collectivist ideology. Such ideology is inculcated into America’s younger generations through education and other social experiences. Then the newly-minted “educated” masses graduate to become part of the Deep State that’s running America. » The recent tyranny finally exposed many to the previously unrevealed truth. It's time for all to start paying attention.

Gordon’s American Patriot Gems
Words of American wisdom and patriotism from Emmett, Idaho Mayor Gordon Petrie. (Reproduced and summarized here with his permission.) Update 08/24/24
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6:00 PM
Jul 8, 2024