July: When 5th Generation Warriors Partner with America's Deep State Globalists, Part III. By Emmett Mayor Gordon Petrie.


SUMMARY: The third of a four-part series. The American Government has been infiltrated by Communists since the 1940s, including such "luminaries" as current Rep. Barbara Lee from CA 12th Congressional District; Former FBI Director James Comey; Former CIA Director John Brennan; and various spies and double-agents. » Communists, Fascists, Nazis, Socialists, Marxists, etc. all share the same collectivist ideology. Such ideology is inculcated into America’s younger generations through education and other social experiences. Then the newly-minted “educated” masses graduate to become part of the Deep State that’s running America. » The recent tyranny finally exposed many to the previously unrevealed truth. It's time for all to start paying attention.

Gordon’s American Patriot Gems
Jul 8
6:00 PM