Woke Awakens in Coeur d’Alene. By Ralph K. Ginorio (07/09/24)

The author sheds light on what’s behind “hate crimes” – which really are “thought crimes” – and why this new hate crime law in Coeur D’Alene represents a dangerous, progressive slide into true hate.

Hate crime laws throughout history have allowed tyrants such as Holy Inquisitors, Nazi leadership (Gauleiters), and Communist Commissars to gleefully and brutally suppress all ideas except their own.

We must recognize these laws for what they are: a way to empower government to police the attitudes and opinions of citizens.

Also in this article: Why non-partisan elections for offices such as mayors, city councils (and judges) are a bad idea, and why political parties matter.

Related: The Nov. 5, 2024 Idaho ballot initiative to create open/jungle primaries (robbing parties of the ability to choose their own candidates) and ranked choice voting (RCV). VOTE NO on that initiative unless you want more leftist legislators and public officials.


Jul 10
8:40 PM