The Century of Forgotten Vaccine Hot Lot Disasters. How the mantra of "safe and effective" has shielded countless compromised products from scrutiny and led to the same disasters continuously repeating. By A MIDWESTERN DOCTOR “AMD” (07/12/24)

This is a long but vital article for understanding one aspect of vaccine injury, which has been a problem for more than a century — 🔥HOT LOTS!

Story at a Glance

Producing a vaccine has many opportunities for error or contamination.

Disasters continually occur from “hot vaccine lots” being unleashed onto the public.

Despite the above, less — not more — accountability has occurred over the years.

In the past, public investigations were held and people went to jail. Now government and manufacturers typically keep the hot lots on the market and deny there is a problem.

In 1967, Sir Graham Wilson — an eminent bacteriologist from the London School of Hygiene who coined the term “herd immunity” in 1923 — wrote a book about many forgotten vaccine disasters with hopes of preventing future mistakes. Sadly, those mistakes continue today.

Many disasters in Wilson’s book recounted dangerous vaccine lots being released onto the market. These disasters mirrored what occurred in the following decades (e.g., DPT and anthrax hot lots, which caused a tsunami of injuries in infants and veterans).

COVID-19 vaccines had deadly hot lots released onto the market as well.

This extensive article covers what’s known about past hot lots and their parallels to the century of hot lot disasters that continue to the present day.

Key Topics:

  • Adventitious Agents (microorganisms that have been unintentionally introduced into the manufacturing process of a biological medicine)

  • Sir Graham Wilson (wrote the book that provided much source material from this article by AMD)

  • Hot Lots of the Past

    • Diphtheria

    • Tetanus

    • Polio

    • Yellow Fever

    • Rabies

    • Tuberculosis

    • Typhoid

    • Bubonic Plague

    • Cholera

    • Measles Vaccines and Antiserums

    • Other Vaccines and Antiserums

  • Contaminated Administrations

    • Unsterile Needles

    • Other Fatal Errors

  • Sudden Infant Death Syndrome

  • The Anthrax Vaccine & Others

    • Five most damaging vaccines ever: smallpox, the old DPT, HPV, COVID-19, and anthrax

  • Operation Warp Speed

    • Quality Control

  • Conclusion

The Century of Forgotten Vaccine Hot Lot Disasters
Jul 22
12:00 PM