The Century of Evidence Putting Light Inside the Body Is A Miraculous Therapy. How Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation treats severe many severe Cardiovascular, Infectious, Obstetric, Autoimmune and Neurological Diseases. By A MIDWESTERN DOCTOR (06/23/24)
Welcome to another long, science-heavy, but potentially life- and quality-of-life saving article by A Midwestern Doctor (AMD), summarized below.
Story at a Glance
Natural light is an essential nutrient many of us lack. When ultraviolet (UV) light is added to the bloodstream, phenomenal health benefits emerge.
UltraViolet Blood Irradiation (UVBI) was discovered in the 1930s. UVBI produced miraculous results for patients on the verge of death and was quickly adopted by hospitals throughout America.
UVBI worked for a wide range of diseases, and its pioneering doctors compiled a large body of research.
Sadly, the American Medical Association (AMA) neutralized the competition by publishing a small doctored study that “debunked” UVBI.
Soon after the AMA’s campaign, UVBI became a forgotten side of medicine, though it was valued by Russians and Germans who continued researching UBVI’s utility for challenging medical conditions within and outside the hospital.
In America, UVBI is used mainly by integrative practitioners who need effective tools to treat complex illnesses (e.g., Lyme disease, Chronic fatigue syndrome, spike protein injuries, and migraine disorders).
This article reviews hundreds of studies showing UVBI's utility for treating wide-ranging medical conditions such as cardiovascular diseases, infertility, miscarriages, many autoimmune disorders, complications from surgery, and a myriad of challenging bacterial and viral infections. It explains how UVBI works, and provides resources for those wishing to use this therapy.
Key Topics:
The Importance of Sunlight
The History of Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation (UVBI)
Market Monopolization
Types of Blood Irradiation
UVBI Research
Bacterial Infections
Viral Infections
Circulatory Disorders
Autoimmune Conditions
Abdominal Diseases
UVBI and Surgery
Obstetrics and Gynecology
Neurologic and Psychiatric Disorders
Toxin Neutralization
Summary of Evidence
Vasogen (a Canadian device manufacturer)
UVBI Physiologic Effects
Zeta Potential and UVBI
How UVBI Works
Our Experiences With UVBI
UVBI Protocols and Resources
UVBI and Cancer
UVBI Dosing
Modern Toxicity
Light Frequencies
UV Devices
Doctors providing UVBI
To find a doctor providing UVBI with machines:
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