
The Poison in Us All — Investigating the “Forever Chemicals” Scandal. Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola (07/27/24)…

Discusses the dangers of synthetic, man-made polyfluoroalkyl chemicals, called PFAS or "forever chemicals," identifies broad categories of items containing PFAS, and offers some ways to avoid or mitigate them.

Story at-a-glance

  • "The Poison in Us All," a documentary (48 min) by Bloomberg Investigates, explores the origins and dangers of PFAS (

  • The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recognizes more than 14,000 different chemical structures as PFAS.

  • PFAS don’t break down easily in the environment, and can bioaccumulate in people and wildlife.

  • Rates of cancer diagnosis in children are increasing, including in Minnesota, global headquarters of chemical company 3M.

  • Since the 1960s, 3M has been dumping PFAS chemicals in the surrounding areas.

  • After Minnesota sued 3M for damage to the state's natural resources, 3M was ordered to pay $850 million for contaminating the state's water supply for decades.

Main topics:

  • Forever Chemicals Were a Product of the Manhattan Project

  • PFAS Are Like a 'Ticking Time Bomb' in the Body

  • Cancer Rates Among Children Are Soaring

  • Confidential Files Reveal Chemical Companies Knew PFAS Were Hazardous

  • PFAS Have Infiltrated One of the Most Remote Communities on the Planet (Faroe Islands)

  • Minnesota Will Ban PFAS Starting This Year

  • How to Reduce Your Exposure to PFAS

  • Progesterone to Combat PFAS

  • Ideal Way to Administer Progesterone

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11:45 AM
Jul 30, 2024