
The Great Blood Pressure Scam. Exploring the Forgotten Causes and Treatments of Hypertension and the Dangers of BP Medications. By A Midwestern Doctor - AMD (07/29/24)…

This article discusses actual causes of high blood pressure, dangers of commonly used blood pressure medications, safest pharmaceutical and natural ways to reduce blood pressure directly, and AMD’s preferred ways to treat underlying causes of high blood pressure.

Story at a Glance:

  • Elevated blood pressure is the most common chronic disease, as more people are declared hypertensive.

  • At least 25% of all hypertension diagnoses are due to inaccurate measurements, with no known reason for why over 90% of people are hypertensive.

  • Aggressively treating everyone’s blood pressure never has proven to reduce heart disease. Treatment leads to only a small reduction in strokes (thus, these medications were rebranded to treat “cardiovascular disease”).

  • Impaired circulation or damage to the blood vessels will cause blood pressure to go up; this correlation has been misinterpreted as “high blood pressure causes cardiovascular disease.”

Key Topics:

  • Conventional Blood Pressure Perspectives

  • Variable Blood Pressure

  • What Affects Blood Pressure?

  • What Causes High Blood Pressure?

  • Inverted Causality

  • Atherosclerosis and Blood Pressure

  • Zeta Potential and Blood Pressure

    • Blood Sludging

    • Zeta Potential and High Blood Pressure

  • Hypertension and Chinese Medicine

  • Does High Blood Pressure Cause Heart Disease?

  • Blood Pressure Mortality Studies

  • Changing Guidelines

  • Secondary Effects of Hypertensive Medications

  • Harms of Hypertensive Medications

  • Under-Recognition of Side Effects

  • Salt

  • Treating Hypertension

    • Root Causes of Hypertension

  • Directly Treating Hypertension

  • Conclusion

The Great Blood Pressure Scam
Exploring the Forgotten Causes and Treatments of Hypertension and the Dangers of BP Medications
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5:15 PM
Jul 31, 2024