How to Succeed vs. How to be Impoverished. Two very different presentations lead to similar conclusions (08/03/24)
First up:
Fiscal Fridays: Idaho's Welfare Culture by the Numbers. By Niklas Kleinworth, Idaho Freedom Foundation (08/02/24, video 5 min)…
New data released by the Idaho Dept. of Health and Welfare shows most able-bodied adults on welfare don't work due to generous benefits that disincentivize work. In other words, welfare beneficiaries make more by NOT working, so they don’t.
Now that these data are available, it’s up to Idaho legislators (and voters) to stop the welfare state from gobbling taxpayers into oblivion. Idaho must break the cycle of government dependency that leads to economic failure and hopelessness.
Related: New Reports Show Culture of Dependency Beneath Idaho’s Welfare ‘Safety Net’…
Next up:
American Thought Leaders (Epoch Times) - How Impoverished Nations Become Prosperous: Dr. Rainer Zitelmann (07/27/24, podcast/video 46 min)
Dr. Rainer Zitelmann is a German historian, sociologist, and the author of several books including “How Nations Escape Poverty: Vietnam, Poland, and the Origins of Prosperity.”
Host Jan Jekeliek (whose forebears are Polish) and Dr. Zitelmann discuss why certain countries such as Poland and Vietnam that previously suffered under vicious totalitarian regimes emerged economically stronger than others such as Germany and France.
How entrepreneurship and economic freedom — plus patience — contribute to a nation’s financial success while government handouts and socialism hold it back.