
Scammer Ranked-choice Voting & Grifter Open Primaries. By Ralph Ginorio (08/06/24)…

One of the best editorials to date on why you should VOTE NO on Idaho Proposition 1: Ranked Choice Voting and Open/Top Four Jungle Primaries.

Do not miss this clear explanation of what could happen to our votes and our political parties if this terrible ballot measure passes as Proposition 1 on the Nov. 5, 2024 Idaho ballot.

→ VOTE NO on Idaho Proposition 1!

→ JUST SAY NO to Proposition 1 Ranked Choice Voting!

→ JUST SAY NO to Proposition 1 “Open” Top-Four Primaries.


More Information:

Jungle Primaries & Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) Ballot Initiative: A Race to the Bottom - Update 09/24/24
🦨 Open/Jungle Primaries & RCV threaten Idaho’s conservative voices. These are leftist-favored tactics to turn Idaho blue. Learn the issues! Do not fall for Reclaim Idaho's propaganda.
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3:55 PM
Aug 7, 2024