
Ranked Choice Voting and Jungle Primary??? Don't be fooled. By Zito for Idaho (08/14/24)…

Ranked Choice Voting — aka Rigged Choice Voting — was almost tied with the Second Amendment as a “most important issue” for Idahoans.

Proposition 1, on our November ballot, is the “Open Primary Initiative” that will implement jungle primaries and Ranked Choice Voting (RCV). Christy Zito explains just how deceptive and destructive Proposition 1 would be to Idaho.

Sadly, the Idaho Supreme Court dismissed AG Labrador’s Lawsuit Against Prop 1 on procedural grounds (…). So it's gonna be on the ballot and probably cannot be challenged in court unless it passes.

VOTE NO on Proposition 1. All the lipstick 💋 in the world cannot pretty up this pig 🐽 of a proposition.

For more on RCV, check out these links:

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Jungle Primaries & Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) Ballot Initiative: A Race to the Bottom ~ Cliff's Notes Version
Open/Jungle Primaries & RCV threaten Idaho’s conservative voices. These are leftist-favored tactics to turn Idaho blue. PLEASE SHARE! Updated 09/24/24.
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10:11 PM
Aug 14, 2024