Idaho Supreme Court Dismisses AG’s Lawsuit Against Prop 1 on Procedural Grounds. By Greg Pruett (08/14/24)
The Idaho Supreme Court issued an opinion dismissing Attorney General Raul Labrador’s lawsuit against the Prop 1 ballot initiative on procedural grounds. The summary opinion stated:
Allegations of fraud in the gathering of signatures in the initiative process are serious, but they must be adjudicated in the district court in the first instance.
The Court stated the AG still could file an action with the district court to adjudicate whether signatures on the petition should be declared null and void due to fraud.
Although the AG asserted that the initiative violates the Idaho Constitution’s one-subject rule, the Court could not review the issue unless and until Idaho voters approve the initiative at the November general election. (With luck, they won't!)
The AG's office will explore its options regarding whether interest groups knowingly misled Idaho voters about the petition they were signing.