London Has Fallen. By Sam Faddis (08/14/24)

Britain has been rocked by riots and demonstrations as citizens protest out of control illegal immigration. The British government now has police officers “scouring” the Internet and identifying anyone posting anything deemed likely to stir up “racial hatred,” which means anyone criticizing approved leftist positions.

Thousands have been arrested on this basis already and at least one man will serve 20 months in jail for simply commenting online about ongoing confrontations between illegal immigrants and native Britons at a particular hotel.

British police are doubling down on these tactics, now threatening to arrest American citizens in America for unapproved online posts about the United Kingdom. Elon Musk has been threatened with arrest and extradition. By what authority can Great Britain now censor free speech worldwide?

But the UK Government is trying everything possible to shut down all dissent everywhere. And intent to harm has nothing to do with it. Even providing inaccurate information by accident could result in arrest. One woman is going to prison because what she posted in good faith turned out not to be true.

With so much criticism of the UK government coming from America, the British police apparently have blocked the entire North American continent from accessing the police website.

Free speech in UK is gone. From where will it disappear next?

London Has Fallen
Aug 16
3:58 PM