Our Military’s Voting Rights. By Dorothy Moon, Chairwoman Idaho GOP (08/15/24)

Proponents of Idaho’s Proposition 1 ballot initiative — Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) and Top-Four Jungle Primaries — have been telling audiences that active duty service members are not allowed to affiliate with a party and thus cannot vote in partisan primaries.

This is an OUTRIGHT LIE! Department of Defense guidelines state that active duty service members can vote in partisan primaries, donate to candidates, and express their opinions on political issues. They have the SAME voting rights as any other citizen.

Moon provides additional detail about just how bad Proposition 1 is, then concludes with:

Proposition 1 threatens Idaho’s simple, fair, and transparent election system. This is something the men and women who defend our country should be very concerned about.

Aug 17
11:59 AM