Latest V-Safe Analysis Uncovers Nearly Four Thousand Reports of Urinary and Bladder Issues After COVID-19 Vaccination. By Informed Consent Action Network (09/09/24)

A recent study found that COVID-19 vaccination negatively impacts the lower urinary tract and bladder. Curious, ICAN attorneys re-analyzed all V-Safe data released to date for reports of urinary or bladder symptoms.

ICAN found 4,000 reports in V-Safe’s free-text of either urinary or bladder symptoms after people received the vaccine. Reports include extremely painful or resistant urinary tract infections, urinary incontinence, urinary retention, strange colored urine, and even infections leading to sepsis.

The ICAN report states:

CDC does not recognize these symptoms as adverse events related to COVID-19 vaccination. This omission is highly concerning because complicated urinary tract infections are the most frequent cause of sepsis in adults over 65, and mortality rates for individuals with sepsis in the urinary tract range from 25% to 60%. In other words, this particular adverse reaction to COVID-19 vaccines can be lethal, especially in older adults.

Sep 10
1:48 PM