The Decades of Evidence SSRI Antidepressants Cause Mass Shootings. How Dangerous Must a Drug Be Before it is Pulled from the Market? By A Midwestern Doctor (09/04/24)

NOTE: This is a revised and abridged version of an article on SSRIs that A Midwestern Doctor (AMD) posted previously. If you skipped the longer article, you may not want to miss this one.

Story at a Glance (edited for brevity):

  • Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor (SSRI) antidepressants can lead to horrendous side effects in certain people, including severe agitation, feeling they can’t be in their skin, turning psychotic, and occasionally becoming violently psychotic. (This collection of symptoms is called akathisia.)

  • During these psychoses, people can have out of body experiences and commit lethal violence either to themselves (suicide) or others (homicide).

  • This violent behavior (and subsequent related suicides) was observed throughout the SSRI clinical trials, but covered up by manufacturers and drug regulators (e.g., the FDA).

  • A wave of SSRI suicides and unspeakable acts of violence followed SSRIs entering the market; such acts continue to this day.

  • That SSRIs could cause any of this was deemed “conspiracy theory” or “mistaking correlation with causation.” But few are aware of the extensive evidence linking SSRIs to violent and psychotic behavior—despite such behaviors now being on the SSRI drug warning labels.

  • Most holistic doctors consider SSRIs among the most harmful mass-prescribed drugs on the market (typically SSRIs make their top 5 list of bad drugs — along with NSAIDs, Statins, and Acid Reflux PPIs).

  • Unlike other top 5 bad drugs, which are merely unsafe and ineffective, SSRIs also can kill people who are not even taking the drugs (that is, victims of SSRI-induced homicides).

  • Other examples in which a drug hurts non-users:

    • Birth control pills (which do not break down) being recycled in certain municipal water supplies.

    • Shedding of COVID-19 shots, which harms sensitive people who did not even take the shots.


AMD includes many case studies and videos to illustrate his points:

  • Correlation or Causation?

  • The SSRI era

  • Akathisia

  • Akathisia Homicides

  • Evidence for SSRI Suicides

  • Evidence for Akathisia Homicides

  • Mass Shooting and Psychiatric Medications

  • Recent Shootings

  • Conclusion

The Decades of Evidence SSRI Antidepressants Cause Mass Shootings
Sep 10
2:21 PM