Policy Shifts Against The mRNA Platform Rapidly Emerged This Past Week. Major Covid mRNA policy reversals and awakenings occurred this week within a major U.S health system, a large U.S state, a South American country, and in the UK. The dominoes are starting to fall. By Pierre Kory, MD, MPA (09/17/24)


OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY WEXNER MEDICAL CENTER (OSUWMC) is running an egregiously neglectful hospital that is putting patient outcomes at risk. While encouraging Covid-19 mRNA shots for patients, OSUWMC is quietly not offering them to staff due to severe harms that have killed or disabled many staff and left the hospital to attempt operations with undertrained medical personnel. Dr. Kory does a deep dive into all of it.

FLORIDA SURGEON GENERAL RECOMMENDS AGAINST THE ENTIRE mRNA PLATFORM in a concise and no-holds barred manner — in direct contrast to the under-the-radar recommendations from OSUWMC. Dr. Joseph Ladapo MD, PhD. again proves his brilliance as Florida’s Surgeon General. Kory states:

If only the rest of the country’s Surgeon Generals and Health Departments could have put in the work studying the mRNA platform the way Joe and his team did. I see this action as a rebellious ray of sunshine in a bleak, totalitarian public health landscape.

URUGUAY is waking up! Uruguayan doctor José Arigas wanted to consult with Dr. Kory about three soccer players who had cardiac issues, one of whom died. Dr. Arigas asked about diagnostic approaches to prevent sports-related cardiac problems in vaccinated people. (Dr. Kory referred the Uruguayan doc to a paper by Peter McCullough and Nicholas Hulscher proposing a risk stratification protocol for identifying vaccinated athletes at risk of a cardiac event.)

Dr. Arigas said three professional soccer players from Uruguay collapsing over a ten day period has apparently started to “awaken” the general public but not the doctors. Sigh!

UK MEDICAL COUNCIL DROPS CASE AGAINST DR. TINA PEERS. Dr. Peers, an outspoken UK physician who did early treatment for COVID, called early attention to the harms of the COVID shots, and now treats Long COVID and Long Vax faced accusations of the usual misinformation and not comporting with standards of care etc. Fortunately, her Medical Council did not want a public hearing with facts revealed and “vaccine” injured patients called to testify, so they dismissed the case against her.

RESCUE THE REPUBLIC RALLY. Don’t miss the “Rescue the Republic” rally at noon on Sept. 29, 2024 between the WWII Memorial and the Washington Monument. Speakers will include Dr. Pierre Kory, RFK Jr, Bret Weinstein, Russell Brand, Jordan Peterson, Matt Taibbi, Lara Logan, Jimmy Dore, Tulsi Gabbard and more. Link:

Sep 18
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