
CATERPILLAR CAVES! Big “No More Destructive DEI” News from Robby Starbuck (09/19/24)…

The brilliant Robby Starbuck has been communicating with Caterpillar Inc to let them know he was planning to expose their woke policies. Now, they’re making preemptive changes, including:

  • No more woke trainings.

  • No more donations to divisive events.

  • No more participation in the HRC’s woke LBGTQ+ Corporate Equality Index social credit system.

  • All sponsorships, speakers, donations and events must be approved at the executive level to avoid anything divisive or politically charged.

Kudos to Caterpillar’s C-Suite for realizing the error of their ways and doing something about it that will improve the lives of their employees and customers and — ultimately — the company’s bottom line.

Robby Starbuck is doing amazing work to push back DEI. If you want to expose your woke workplace, send tips + evidence to

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1 Restack
11:08 AM
Sep 20, 2024