An Open Letter from FLCCC to Amazon on Behalf of Cancer Patients Worldwide (09/19/24). Dr. Paul Marik’s book on Cancer Care was banned / made unavailable.

FLCCC wrote the open letter linked above following Amazon’s recent decision to ban a critical resource—Dr. Paul Marik’s “Cancer Care: The Role of Repurposed Drugs and Metabolic Interventions in Treating Cancer.”

Amazon should not ban books that provide information to people who need it. How can you help? Let Amazon know you want the book made available to all. (The steps below worked for an Amazon customer who was logged in.)

1. Go to…, then click Report an issue with this product or seller.

2. Select Some Product information is inaccurate, missing, or can be improved.

3. Select Other.

4. Type a comment in the Comments (optional) box.

5. Click Submit.

Sample comment below (write your own version, of course):

You may need to visit the links, then copy/paste the link into your Amazon comment because Substack Notes truncates long links

Please make this book available to all. Everyone deserves to receive information and make his/her own decisions about its validity.

People may boycott Amazon products if you suppress book availability, hurting your bottom line and that of your sellers.

See FLCCC’s open letter to Amazon regarding the banning of Dr. Marik’s Cancer Care book:

Even if you don't agree with the content of the book, your millions of customers and vendors shouldn't have to suffer (or go elsewhere).

NOTE: This book is available for free at…, so you're really not punishing the author as much as you are punishing your own customers and others who could benefit from the book.

Sep 22
10:28 AM