Ranked Choice Voting in Idaho. Proposition 1 will be on your November ballot — VOTE NO! (09/27/24)


Idaho Freedom Caucus (IFC) clearly states the disastrous results Idaho can expect if Prop 1 passes:

  1. Ranked choice voting (RCV) confuses voters and leaves them uncertain about ballot security.

  2. Manual audits are nearly impossible, requiring voting machines such as the infamous and NOT-approved-In-Idaho Dominion systems.

  3. Your ballot could be thrown out if you don’t rank all four candidates (ballot “exhaustion”).

  4. Moderates and leftists will likely win elections in our red state.

IFC concludes:

If we pass Prop 1, it will also open the door for the very leftist ideas that many came to Idaho to escape. Get ready for gun control, abortion on demand, higher taxes, and more government spending than you can imagine. The Idaho Republican Party has come out against Proposition 1 and has more information on their website of the dangers if it passes (idgop.org/rcv).

Reject the lies, reject the tricks, and save Idaho by voting no on Proposition 1!

Sep 29
1:52 PM