Another Day, Another School Shooting. By Suzanne Kearney (09/27/24)…

In a brilliant summary of what’s wrong with schools and how they may be contributing to increased school shootings, Kearney (a homeschool advocate) explains possible reasons why kids are depressed, anxious, and self-loathing, which can lead to school shootings. She discusses how:

  • Efforts to be “neutral” in public education have suppressed traditional Judeo-Christian values in favor of secular humanism.

  • Hyper-sexualization, identity politics, race baiting, victim/oppressor pigeonholing, the “green” agenda, and disgust for America and its Christian roots contribute key ingredients.

  • The National Educator’s Association (NEA)’s homepage calls teachers “activists” and lists “racial and social justice” (aka Marxist indoctrination) as one of its key issues.

  • School libraries are promoting cultural Marxism — anti-white racism, LGBTQ “pride,” socialist propaganda, queer theory, dialectical materialism, progressive activism, anti-American revisionist history, and everything meant to destroy the good, true, and beautiful.

  • Psychotropic drugs and transgender-supportive chemical interventions can contribute to violent behavior and suicides:

    • Psychotropic drugs are increasingly prescribed (often on recommendations by school counselors) and parents are pressured to medicate children for ADHD, anxiety, depression, and other mental disorders.

    • Transgender ideology pushed in schools often leads students to chemical interventions such as cross-sex hormones and puberty blockers.


…schools are producing “angry, racist, drug-addicted sex-bots” who have been taught to hate God, hate their country, hate others, and hate themselves…resulting a generation whose only faith is in “science” and only hope is government.

While the factors leading to teen violence are obviously complex, the schools may be playing a huge part.

Why are your kids still in these schools?


Umbrellas, Community Schools, United Way & School Board Meetings
Sep 30
1:21 PM